About Us

Who we are

Happy Healthy Vegan is a vegan lifestyle YouTube channel promoting a plant based high carb diet for better health, weight loss & overall fitness by Anji Bee and Ryan Lum, creators of The Chillcast and Lovespirals. We’ve been on The Doctors TV show and the BBC representing all that is good about keeping it carbed!

Anji Bee

Anji Bee

Los Angeles born Anji Bee is a vocalist, lyricist, podcaster and vidcaster. In addition to co-hosting Happy Healthy Vegan, Anji is one half of the indie band, Lovespirals, as well as the hostess and producer of the chillout music podcast, The Chillcast. Anji went vegetarian when she was 15, but didn’t go full vegan until her 40’s. Learning the basics of a high carb, low fat, low salt diet helped her both lose and keep off 20 lbs and lead her into a more active lifestyle.

Ryan Lum

Ryan Lum

Once a slim 140 pound high school senior, Ryan fell into The Standard American Diet (SAD)  in college and topped the scales at 240 pounds. Happy Healthy Vegan highlights the wisdom he’s gained during his journey from an overweight man in his early 30′s to now a much fitter and healthier man in his 40′s.


Ryan’s also known for his work as guitarist and music producer for Lovespirals and Love Spirals Downwards. He has worked in website development and online media for over a decade and a half, creating content that has reached tens of millions of viewers.