After the New Year, do you start noticing that you may weigh a few more pounds than what you did in the summer? Wondering if that extra weight gain is due to over indulging in all the rich food and drink from the holidays? Or what if you don’t partake in the high fat food and booze of the holidays; did you still gain weight?

We fit into the latter camp; we ate pretty much the same during the holidays as we had the rest of the year. We share our thoughts as to what is really up with winter weight gain. The bottom line is to not worry about it; as biological animals, it’s all part of nature’s design. As we discuss, having stress about winter weight gain only makes it worse.

Delicious high carb recipes. Health gurus & myths exposed. Weight loss. Let us inspire your healthy lifestyle journey with food, fun, and fitness. Look forward to two to four new episodes a week from these fit 40 somethings!

CONNECT: (Ryan & Anji’s band)

Music: “Sleight of Hand” by Anji Bee from her debut solo album ‘Love Me Leave Me’. Listen and buy the digital download or CD at – Use Promo Code YOUTUBE to get a 10% discount!!!