Were we bad people for discussing Jamie Oliver’s weight gain? Is Jamie Oliver a bad person for gaining weight?
<br />http://youtu.be/DdN0fGBzIi8

Fans of Jamie Oliver, not pleased with our previous video critical of the Naked Chef’s diet, have gone on the attack in our video’s comments. You may be shocked by the four-letter words and personal attacks hurled on us for giving our objective critique of his diet as well as our solution to his weight gain.

Given that Jamie promotes his diet as a healthy weight loss solution for the overweight people of the world, was it somehow mean and wrong for us to objectively point out that Jamie has put on a few pounds of his own since we first encountered him on his Food Revolution TV show? In our eyes, is Jamie Oliver a bad person? Or are we the bad people?

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Music: “Love Survives” by Lovespirals from their album ‘Free and Easy’. Listen and buy the digital download or CD at http://lovespirals.bandcamp.com